I wanted to take a moment to provide you with a quick heads up on that there will be WIFI changes coming to UWRF in the next couple of weeks.  This message is being sent to this group in hopes that we can preempt any communications you may sent, display or print for upcoming events.  This affects all of the University main campus sites, KAO and Hudson Center.

As the consumer use of the network demand changes so does the way we provide the WIFI service.  We hope that this rework is going to reduce the complexity to onboard our students and faculty/staff personal devices, as well as will support new features that are not possible with today's configuration.  There will also be some exciting new features in the new guest welcome that will allow us to better market to our known visitor groups while they connect to the campus WIFI.

In the week of May 16, 2016, we will be rolling out the changes to the campus.  Currently there are three visible networks to those that come onto the campus.  In the future the names of those networks and how they are used will change.  What will not change is that we will still be providing guest access to short term visitors (day use) and we still have "sponsored accounts" for longer term visitors (weeks and months at a time.)

We are busily finishing up on testing and writing new knowledge base articles for the roll out.  We will be sending more communications to you as we finalize the design and have a firm schedule for the changes.  I will be sending more communications early next week.  Please feel free to forward this communication to others you believe should be in the know.
