We have received a notification that due to the I-94/65 construct at Roberts interchange, we will have another internet outage that affects our campus.  This will affect anyone attempting to reach our campus services from off site as well as those on campus trying to use anything on the Internet.  This affects the campus, Hudson Center, Pigeon Lake and all remote services running update jobs overnight.


Start Time:        10/3/2012 0:01 CDT

End Time:          10/3/2012 6:00 CDT

Description:       Fiber Splicing




Maria Accuardi @ 2012-09-26 10:25:05

   On Wednesday, October 3rd, from 0001 to 0600 Hours CDT the UW

      River Falls hub will be down for approximately four hours due to

      fiber cable maintenance.


      Due to Wisconsin DOT construction in the area, WIN needs to lower

      the fiber optic cable near Hwy 65 and I94 which UW River Falls

      uses to get from their campus to the Interstate. Normally, cable

      lowering is non-service affecting but there is not enough slack

      and so they need to splice on more cable which will be service

      affecting. Both of UW River Falls' connections are on this cable

      and so they and anyone connecting at UW River Falls will be down

      during the maintenance.



Jason A. Winget

Infrastructure & Security Technologies Manager

University of Wisconsin – River Falls